WARNING! Some of the English application (also the grammar) might be wrong as I'm not good enough in English.


From Me

Did you perform your solah before read the entries on my blog?

The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: "A servant of God will remain standing on the Day of Judgment until he is questioned about his (time on earth) and how he used it; about his knowledge and how he utilized it; about his wealth and from where he acquired it and in what (activities) he spent it; and about his body and how he used it." - Al-Tirmidhi, Hadith 148

Friday, 16 March 2012

Bahagia atau Cinta ?

Kekadang saya tertanya-tanya  , kenapa manusia terlalu taksub dengan cinta ? Kerana cinta akidah manusia terpesong . kerana cinta manusia sanggup berbunuh . kerana cinta manusia sanggup guna sihir . kerana cinta manusia binasa .

Sampai sekarang saya masih bingung , kenapa cinta tu penting sangat bagi manusia ? sampai ada yang menjadi hamba kepada cinta ? Cinta satu anugerah yang patut diiringi dengan redha Allah . yang patut berlandaskan jalan Allah . dan biarlah CINTA kepada Allah mengatasi cinta kepada manusia :)

Yang remaja pulak , belajar belum habis dah pikir pasal cinta . Pastu menangis , melalak bagai sebab cinta . putus cinta nak bunuh diri . putus cinta abaikan pelajaran . senang2 tak yah sekolah . hidup lah hang dengan cinta tu . 

adakah cinta itu membahagiakan kamu ? seem like not je kan ? tak teringin ke kamu untuk bahagia ?


cc: miss goat girl

Is not everything but it something . Something that can hurting you if you use it in a wrong way.. Before you get married , cinta is meaningless . nothing that you can proud with your love . crying bcause of love , what for ? it's not a way . it isn't call cinta , but it call buta . you absolutely passion on love . the best way is loving Allah more than everything . itu barulah namanya cinta ^_^


cc : miss goat girl 
 When you have love doesn't mean you gain your happiness . somehow, most of happiness will have love . but peoples out there still prefer choose love more than happiness . let say , when you married without love , and you and ur partner happy then you'll fallin' love each other . but when you married just b'cause of ur 'passion love' , the percent that you'll happy only a bit .

sedarlah ! keghairahan cinta akan buat kamu kecundang . kebahagiaan milik kamu jika kamu pandai menggunakan cinta ke arah yang baik .

SyaSayss :-
"Marriage is a right way to have a true love kan ^^"

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